Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Cinderella and Zelda... what a night!

Hey guys! I know I haven't blogged in a while... sorry. I really needed to focus on the upcoming play, Rodger and Hammerstein's Cinderella. I'm student directing it, and tonight is media night. Backstage is pretty rough, but we are getting there.
Okay, enough about Cinderella; I beat Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess last night! Of course, it took a while (twelve tries, to be exact), but about 45 minutes later, I defeated Ganondorf and saved Zelda!
I'm still trying to come up with a name for the third book in the Dragon Kin Trilogy. I'm thinking something along the lines of Violet Sands or something like that. I'll let you guys know when I come up with more suggestions and I'll let ya'll pick which one ya'll like the best. I have to get ready for Cinderella, so I'll see you guys later!

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't blogged in a while... I was having a major writer's block on how to begin the last book in the Dragon Kin Trilogy. There I was, a few seconds ago, sitting at the computer on how I will start the last book, then all of a sudden, it hit me! I'm not going to give out any details on what its going to be like, but I know it is going to be awesome! My friend is still proofing Violet's Flame, so it will be a while until everything is ready for publication, but I know it will be worth the wait. I still don't know who I am going to publish with, so that might take up some more time, but I promise, it will be out for sale soon.
Also, the kittens are doing great, and once I figure out how to put up pictures from my phone, I will definitely show you guys how cute they are! I love my phone, by the way...
Okay, so this is something that will creep everyone out: I am now taking Drivers ed. I know, I know, it isn't safe, especially when I'm the one behind the wheel, but so far I only hit one trashcan, so I think I am doing great! I can't wait to get on the interstate... >:)
Well, I guess I'll write again some other time. I need to get started on the next book, and I also need to get ready for my Mother's Day party at one of my relative's houses. Do your mother a favor and tell her Happy Mother's Day! See ya'll later!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Awesome News!!!

Hey guys! I have two great news! The first good news is: my cat, Cinderella, just gave birth to four new kittens a few weeks ago, and I finally got to hold the two that I get to name. There are two boys, both orange, and two girls, one is a calico and one is grey with black stripes. I get to name one of the boys and the grey female. The boy's name is King Arthur, and my little baby girl's name is Thunder. I got to hold Thunder first, and within about two seconds I was wrapped around her little finger, or paw, and I love my new kittens so much!
And the second awesome new is: I finished the draft for Violet's Flame! It is currently being edited by me and a few friends, so in about a week I will be shopping around for a publisher and, hopefully, it will be on the shelves about a month later! I don't know about you guys, but I am extremely excited about this, and I am about to start the third and final book in the Dragon Kin Trilogy. I can't wait to get started, and I hope that I finish this one soon. I need to go scream into a pillow, so I'll type on this later. See ya'll later!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter! =D

Happy Easter everyone! My birthday passed a little while back, so now I am officially fifteen years old, and with that new number also came the number of my first cell phone! That's right, I finally got a cell phone, and it is about time my parents decided to give me one. I have also been working vigorously on Violet's Flame, so it won't be long until it is released at last. Due to popular demand (teachers of my last school asked, actually...), I am now working on a children's book. I have no idea what I am going to call it yet, but so far it is turning out to be really good, although I am only on page three.
Anyways, about Violet's Flame... I have decided to make only three books in the series, and since I am working on the second book, there will only be one more in the series, and I have the best idea of how it is going to play out. I hope that you guys love science fiction, because that is pretty much what is going to happen. I have to go help mom and dad clean up the house now, so I will write again at a later time. See ya'll later!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I'm here again!

Hey, guys! Sorry I couldn't write for a while-- I was grounded from the internet. My sentence ended today, so I am now free to surf the net again! Now I am listening to music from the internet while I write this. I have to push the release date for Violet's Flame back two weeks because I wasn't just banned from the internet, but the computer as well. The good news is that I can write again, and now I don't have to feel all shaky about not writing.
Okay, so I just got out of acting in Alice in Wonderland. I am only in the first act, so I was pretty bored backstage, but at least I get to get out of school for today and tomorrow. I get to listen to music backstage, and someone played Whiskey Lullaby, so now I have that song stuck in my head. I cry when I listen to that song. It's just so sad! Anyways, I am going to get rid of these shivers and write in Violet's Flame. See ya'll later!

PS. I won't be able to write tomorrow because of the play. I will be out for all of this weekend, so don't think I got grounded again!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Another Book?

Hey, guys! Guess what? I don't have school tomorrow! I know you guys are jealous! That also means... MORE TIME TO WRITE IN VIOLET'S FLAME!! Is it just me, or did I just sound like a book nerd in that last sentence?
Anyways, I went to my grandparents' house yesterday and today, so I didn't have a chance to write in Violet's Flame. That explains the weirdness in the first paragraph. Am I excited about having no school tomorrow? Definitely! I was feeling a little weird about not having the ability to write in Violet's Flame whenever I wanted to, so this is a welcome relief. Did I forget to mention that I am now starting my first attempt at writing a children's book? Yes, it is true. Reason why: most of the people who know about my book go to my first school, which happens to be an elementary/middle school, and I want them to read my books, but not read something they shouldn't know about until they are older. I can't think of anything else to write about today, so I will let you guys off the hook. See ya'll later!

Friday, February 24, 2012

It's FRIDAY!!! :D

Hey, guys! It's FINALLY FRIDAY!!! I am so happy that I don't have to go to school tomorrow! This weekend, I am going to: write. Write some more. Play Legend of Zelda. Write again. Read a book. Write my brains out. I guess ya'll have a pretty good idea on what I am going to do this weekend, so I will shut up about that.
Anyways, I am finished with my college project, and I am still pretty much on square one on what I want to be when I grow up. I want a job that pays a lot, but I also want it to be a challenge. I plan on being self-reliant and live in a rural area when I grow up, so I am going to need a job that will fit my lifestyle. I am thinking about a pediatric nurse, but I am not sure I can handle so many kids in one day. Sigh. This is hard.
Anyways, Violet's Flame is about two thirds finished, and I LOVE how far I am starting to get each day. (my typing skills have been getting so good lately...)
I have decided that I will stop liking the boy I talked about earlier. At least, I want to stop, but I can't seem to. He doesn't even notice me in school anymore, and it makes me sad when he hangs out with other girls instead of me. I guess you guys don't want to hear about my screwed up love interest, so I won't talk about it.
There isn't much else to say, so I guess this is it. See ya'll later!